25.4 F
Monday, February 10, 2025

Columbia St. Bridge Rehabilitation Project now in progress


Sidewalk and bridge repairs to close pedestrian sidewalk and create periodic lane closures

Maintenance on the Columbia St. Bridge over the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad began Mon., August 13 and will result in a closure of the pedestrian sidewalk for a period of t10 days and periodic lane closures for the next six weeks.

The Columbia Street Bridge Rehabilitation Project will include repairs to the sidewalk, replacement of the bridge railing and concrete repairs to the bridge structure. As part of the project, the sidewalk on the bridge will be closed for approximately 10 days, pending weather and unforeseen circumstances. A pedestrian detour will be provided to direct pedestrians to Loomis St. to cross the railroad tracks. A map of the pedestrian detour is available at www.naperville.il.us/columbiabridgerehab.aspx.

Bridge repairs will also require daily lane closures from 9AM to 3PM. Please note that the lane closures will not occur every day, only when the contractor is actively working on the bridge adjacent to one of the travel lanes.  During lane closures, flaggers will be on-site to direct traffic. It is not anticipated that the Columbia Street Bridge will ever be completely closed to vehicular traffic. Due to the anticipated lane closures and the project’s close proximity to the Naperville Metra Station, motorists are encouraged to plan ahead and expect significant traffic delays in the area.

All construction is weather dependent; notice of schedule changes as well as more information about the project will be posted to the City’s website at www.naperville.il.us/columbiabridgerehab.aspx, in the City’s Road Closure/Construction Alerts eNewsletter, in the local media when possible and at the Naperville Metra Station prior to and during construction.

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PN Ombudsman
PN Ombudsman
An ombudsman is Scandinavian in origin dating back to Viking times; and refers to a community representative; usually acting independently on behalf of an organization, body of elected officials, or civic group. Thanks Scandinavia for inventing ombudsman.