The preliminary results of the Sportsman’s Park soil and groundwater assessment activities have been provided to the Naperville Park District. Shaw Environmental, Inc. performed the assessment in accordance with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Site Remediation Program approved Site Investigation Work Plan.
The results of the assessment were consistent with previous investigations. Shaw tested the monitoring wells installed at the Site and did not encounter lead at concentrations exceeding IEPA Groundwater and Drinking Water Standards. As anticipated, the assessment found lead at levels within the trap shooting shot fall deposition zone and gun range that will require remediation.
The assessment also found lead beyond the eastern fence boundary in a limited area at concentrations exceeding the most stringent IEPA Remedial Objectives for ingestion exposure. As a precaution, the Park District amended the existing pathway by erecting temporary fencing within the eastern portion of the park, encompassing an area greater than the area of concern in order to avoid trail ‘dead ends’ for park patrons. The District has communicated its progress to the IEPA.
The results of all assessment activities will be published in a Focused Site Investigation Report that is anticipated to be available for public viewing in the fourth quarter of 2012.
Additional information regarding Sportsman’s Park can be found by visiting