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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

‘Wave the Flag’ for the Healing Field on Aug. 23


The Healing Field of Honor-Naperville 2012 Committee will host a “Wave the Flag” Launch Party from 5:30-8PM Thurs., Aug. 23, at the Riverwalk Eatery by Rotary Hill, in advance of the week-long exhibit to be held in conjunction with Veterans Day.

This kick off event will showcase the success of the first Healing Field-Naperville held in 2009 and the preview is open to any individual or group  interested in sponsorship, purchasing a flag and/or volunteering.

Naperville Healing Field of Honor will be returning to Rotary Hill along the Riverwalk in downtown Naperville November 8-13.

This year, 2,012 American flags, up three flags from 2,009 three years ago, will once again be proudly displayed on Rotary Hill  to unite the community with an opportunity to remember and honor the men and women of the U.S. Military. The proceeds from this commemorative event will be used to create new and better treatments for veterans suffering from Traumatic Brain Injuries, (TBI) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

If you miss the “Wave the Flag” launch party, watch for members of the Healing Field of Honor-Naperville (The Exchange Club mascot, Anna Zimmerman, Patty Gustin, Dave Wentz, Marge Shiffler and Jack Shiffler are pictured here in 2009)  in the Jaycees Last Fling Labor Day Parade as they raise awareness and distribute brochures for the upcoming exhibit.

Healing Field of Honor-Naperville 2012 is sponsored by Operation Support Our Troops – America and the Naperville Park District.

For more details, visit http://www.healingfield.org/naperville-il-2012/. Follow on Facebook at Healing Field of Honor, Naperville 2012. Or contact Veronica Porter at (630) 717-0716 or veronicasporter@gmail.com

RELATED POSTS:  Memories of Healing Field 2009

Healing Field Mural at Edward Health & Fitness Fitness Center


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PN Editor
PN Editor
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