TEX MEX MUSIC FEST /4-10PM Fri., July 13 / Presented by Calamos Investments at CityGate Centre / www.texmexfest.com / Partial proceeds will benefit DuPage PADS. CANCELED DUE TO MICRO BURST & STORMS.
TEX MEX MUSIC FEST /4-10PM Sat., July 14 / Presented by Calamos Investments at CityGate Centre / www.texmexfest.com Gates will open at 4PM today with Asleep at the Wheel taking the stage at 5PM. (Note: The Country Sky Band will not be performing.) All tickets from last night will be honored today, and include a ticket to the Wine Fest to make up for the price difference. Event planners have expressed regret for any inconvenience to ticket holders. Organizers will continue to update the website and our Facebook and Twitter account with the latest information. PN Editor’s Note: We understand that safety must come first.
2nd ANNUAL CLASSIC CAR SHOW / 9AM-2PM, Sat., July 14 / Hosted by Double K Productions at Naperville Bank & Trust, located at 555 Fort Hill Dr. and Aurora Ave. FREE.
NAPERVILLE WOMAN’S CLUB 53RD JURIED FINE ART FAIR / 10AM-5PM, Sat., July 14 & Sun., July 15, 2012 at Naper Settlement, 523 S. Webster, Naperville IL. Featuring more than 100 local and national artists selling, exhibiting and demonstrating their artwork. This event also has a Silent Auction, Petite Picasso Area for children, entertainment and food. It is the longest continuously running Art Fair in Illinois! Admission to the Art Fair & Naper Settlement is FREE. To apply visit www.zapplication.org or for more information visit www.napervillewomansclub.com;
STAND UP NOW AND STRETCH! Reach to the ceiling. Stretching increases your flexibility, improves the range of motion in your joints and promotes better posture and circulation. Rotate your hands at the wrist. Wiggle your fingers. Stretch and relieve stress!
NAPERVILLE WOMAN’S CLUB 52ND JURIED FINE ART FAIR / 10AM-5PM, Sun, July 15 / Naperville Woman’s Club will host annual art fair at Naper Settlement. Over 85 Artists from across the country, & local areas, will be exhibiting and selling their beautiful art work, just steps away from downtown & the Riverwalk! Painting, ceramics, jewelry, photography, glass, metal and sculpture are just some of the mediums that will be displayed & for sale! This event is the longest continuously running Art Fair in Illinois, and a primary fund raiser for the Woman’s Club. Hours are 10-5 Saturday & Sunday. For more information visit www.napervillewomansclub.com or naperartfair@comcast.net