The Last Fling Labor Day Parade will kick off at 10AM sharp Mon., Sept. 3. Parade Co-Chairs Laurie DeKruiff and Paul DeKruiff have announced the 2012 theme is “Our TV – Honoring and recognizing Naperville Community Television-Channel 17’s 25th Anniversary.” NCTV17 Executive Director Liz Spencer will serve as Grand Marshall of this year’s parade.
The annual so-long-to-summer parade attracts thousands and thousands to downtown Naperville to watch the all-community event with marching bands, floats, scouts, costumed characters and other category entries stride from Naperville North High School south along Mill street, east on Jefferson, south on Main and along Porter to Naperville Central High School. The Labor Day Parade is broadcast live on NCTV17 and then re-broadcast so participants can see, too, after the popular event ends.
Enjoy a few vintage PN photos that show patriotic participants and a few characters from past parades.
For a little history lesson, in 1987, Naperville cable television hit the local airwaves for the first time to carry out the Public and Educational component of the P.E.G. Fund, the 1984 Cable Franchise Policy and Communications Act that funds public access cable television. (Note the G in P.E.G. stand for “Government Access” that broadcasts the City Council Meetings, etc. in City Council Chambers.)
Twenty-five years later, NCTV17 provides a voice to educate, inform, preserve, entertain, assist and celebrate via a variety of programming options, listed in every printed publication of Positively Naperville.
Participants in the 2012 Last Fling Labor Day Parade must apply and be registered with payment and reviewing stand information by Fri., July 13. The 90-minute parade will adhere to a strictly enforced time, 10-11:30AM.
After all entries are reviewed by the Last Fling Executive Committee to determine eligibility, confirmation and denial letters will be sent the week of Aug. 3, 2012. Confirmation letters will include a map of the parade route and other details pertinent to a successful running of the parade.
For more information about the parade visit , click “Labor Day Parade,” then if more details are needed, e-mail the 2012 Last Fling Labor Day Parade Chairs at
For nearly everything about the the 2012 Last Fling, a four-day family-friendly festival with live concerts and sponsorship packages available, planned this year Aug. 31 to Sept. 3, visit
Did you know? The Naperville Jaycees is a non-profit service organization with more than 100 young persons dedicated to personal development through community service. The group organizes and staffs The Last Fling in close cooperation with the City of Naperville, the Naperville Park District, numerous Naperville community organizations and hundreds of volunteers. Proceeds from the Last Fling are given to nonprofit organizations in the community and throughout DuPage County. Over the past two decades, the Naperville Jaycees raised and donated more than two million dollars to various organizations in the Naperville community.