Pipe replacement will result in anticipated two-week road closure; detours to be posted
A section of Royal St. George Dr. just south of Ogden Ave. will be closed for approximately two weeks as part of a project to replace deteriorating piping that carries Cress Creek under the street.
The Royal St. George Culvert Replacement Project is scheduled to begin Mon., July 9, pending weather and unforeseen circumstances. Royal St. George Dr. is expected to be closed through Fri., July 20, between Ogden Ave. and the Cress Creek Square shopping center west entrance, which will remain open.
A detour will be posted to direct motorists to alternate routes along Fifth Ave. and Benedetti Dr. Two-way traffic will be maintained along Royal St. George Dr. during this time. Additional work, such as parkway restoration, will be completed through the first week of August after the roadway is open to traffic.
An existing culvert carries Cress Creek under Royal St. George Dr. just south of Ogden Ave. The culvert, which consists of two six-foot diameter corrugated metal pipes, has deteriorated and needs to be replaced to avoid failure of the culvert and roadway.
Access to Cress Creek Square shopping center and nearby residential communities will remain open during the project; however, access to Heritage Hill Dr. from Royal St. George Dr. will be closed during the project. Residents will instead be able to access the Preserves of Cress Creek apartment complex from Fifth Avenue.
Electronic message boards will be used to alert motorists to the upcoming road closure and post detours associated with the project. All construction is weather dependent; notice of schedule changes as well as more information about the project can be found on the City’s website at www.naperville.il.us/rsgculvert.aspx.