The Naperville Garden Club has awarded scholarships to the following students
Claire Ault
University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point, Forest Ecosystem Restoration and Management
Laura Ernst
Knox College, Environmental Studies
Rebecca Flesh Northland College, Environmental Studies
Ashley Goschey
University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point, Environmental Education/Interpretation
Michelle Harring
University of Illinois, Landscape Architecture
Michael Hennessy
University of Illinois, Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Kasey McCauley
University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point, Wildlife Ecology
Elena Michel
Michigan State University, Plant Biology
Timothy Monge
University of Wisconsin- Whitewater, Biology
Hannah Nelmark
University of Texas- Austin, Biology
Kathryn Schneberg
Colorado State University, Biology
Sarah Wright
University of Illinois, Agriculture and Animal Science
Lydia Yiu
University of California- Berkeley, Environmental Engineering
North Central College awarded the Marie Mackenzie Memorial Scholarship and the Mary Quilty Memorial Scholarship, funded by the Naperville Garden Club, to Sarah Fern, Biology.
Naperville Garden Club scholarships are made possible by our fundraiser, the Cup of Cheer™ House Walk, Holiday Market and Tea. The 2012 Cup of Cheer™ will be held on Dec. 6 and 7.