EAGLE SCOUT ORGANIZES TOY DRIVE TO HELP KIDS IN NEED / 9AM-2PM Sat., June 23 / To fulfill the requirements for his Eagle Scout Project, Tim Corbett has organized a toy drive in conjunction with Toy Box Connection and Safety Town at Safety Town, 1320 Aurora Ave. All toys should be either new or gently used and will benefit children in need, such as the victims of recent tornadoes. Examples of accepted toys include books, video games and gaming systems, sports equipment, musical instruments, kids’ bikes and infant toys. For more information, e-mail
CONCERT TO END HUNGER TO BE HELD AT THE WENTZ / 7;30PM, Sat., June 23 / As part of National Hunger Awareness Month, the Concert to End Hunger will be held at Wentz Concert Hall on the campus of North Central College. Huntley Brown will entertain at this benefit concert for Loaves & Fishes Community Pantry, which serves approximately 2,500 Naperville and DuPage County families each month. An acclaimed performer best known as Billy Graham’s pianist and whose style is influenced by several cultures, Mr. Brown was inducted into the Fox Valley Arts Hall of Fame in 2010. He performs internationally and is best known at Billy Graham’s pianist. Tickets are $25 each and available at Loaves & Fishes or through
6TH ANNIVERSARY TEAMFOX GARDEN WALK / 10AM-3PM, Sat., June 23 / To benefit the Michael J. Fox Foundation / This year’s Garden Walk will be held at the estate of the late Colonial Robert R. McCormick at Cantigny Park 1s151 Winfield Road, Wheaton, IL 60189 / Donation: $25 per person (adults only) / Proceeds benefit Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research / RSVP: or (630) 357-4175. Updated details will appear closer to the event.
DUPAGE CHILDREN’S MUSEUM BIRTHDAY BASH / Noon-5PM Sun., June 24 / The DuPage Children’s Museum, 301 N. Washington St., is turning 25 and kicking off a year-long celebration with a special birthday bash. Families will have the opportunity to play in the museum, dance to music and explore some special extras in the parking lot. Admission for the special event is $2.50 for members and $5 for nonmembers. INFO: (630) 637-8000 or
LITTLE FRIENDS’ STEP UP FOR AUTISM WALK / 10AM, Sun., June 24 / Register in advance at or at Riverwalk Grand Pavilion beginning at 8:30AM / Since 2009, this family-friendly event has been a morning of fun for walkers and runners of all ages. Festivities will include a 2.5-mile walk and fun run and a one-mile kid-friendly route. This year’s event will also feature a fun-filled Kids Area, complete with interactive displays, moon jumps and entertainment. INFO:
5TH ANNIVERSARY TEAMFOX DINNER RECEPTION / 6PM, Sun., June 24 / hosted by Sullivan’s Steakhouse, 244 S. Main St. / A 5-course dinner, paired with wine will be hosted by Sullivan’s Steakhouse. Also, live auction features a variety of donated trips, outings to local museums, art and theatre, and, of course, great food. / Donation: $125 per person (Includes ticket to Garden Walk, 10AM-3PM, Sat., June 25) Proceeds benefit Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research Adults Only / RSVP: or (630) 357-4175.
YOUNG EAGLES DAY RALLY FLIGHTS / 9AM-2PM, Sun., June 24 / FREE flights, weather permitting, in general aviation aircraft for ages 8-17 / Aurora Municipal Airport in Sugar Grove / Also, Sundays: Aug. 26., Sept. 23 & Oct. 21 / Must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian in order to fly. No reservations needed. First come, first serve. Flights are sponsored by the Fox Valley Sport Aviation Association, EAA Chapter 579. Each pilot covers the cost of the flights individually in the hope they can help broaden a child’s horizons, and perhaps inspire them to take an interest in aviation.
SOARELLA OPEN HOUSE TO BENEFIT MARCH OF DIMES / 10AM to 2PM Sun., June 24 / 101 W. 22nd Street, Lombard, IL 60148 (next to the Lombard Roller Rink) / Soarella (Benefits Consultants) & the Farmers Insurance Agency of Mary Gruenberg, invite you to our parking lot party and open house. Kids’ games with prize booth, light refreshments, office tours, and the Farmers Insurance Group Catastrophe Response Trailer and a NASCAR (Wallace’s Chevy) will be on display. Stop by to receive a m.i.l.k. digital identification, the first step in the Amber Alert process. Photography by Musical Memories in Motion. Music by T.B.M. Productions. Visit with various Farmers Circle of Dependability vendors including Enterprise Rent-A-Car and Gerber Collision and Glass. Wish Ella a happy 88th birthday to enjoy a piece of cake! Message us on our Facebook page at (every LIKE is an additional donation to the March of Dimes)! To help us with our planning, please RSVP by June 22, on our party hotline at (630)608-4337 x241. Event is free, goes on rain or shine, and past, present and future customers and their families and friends are welcome. All donations accepted on behalf of the March of Dimes.