DuPage PADS was one of 25 not-for-profit organizations in DuPage County to receive a grant from the 2012 Spring Discretionary Grant Cycle of The DuPage Community Foundation based in Wheaton, IL. The grant, awarded at a special distribution open house on Wed., June 13 at Glen Oak Country Club will help underwrite DuPage PADS’ innovative Outreach Case Management Program.
“Over the past three years we have seen a 72% increase in the number of children and a 30% increase in families. These families need access to services to obtain permanent, stable housing. We are so grateful for the support of The DuPage Community Foundation,” said Carol Simler, DuPage PADS Executive Director.
The DuPage Community Foundation grant will support community outreach and case management services to families who are homeless in DuPage County, but are not regularly utilizing services. The outreach case manager visits the families in their temporary residence and establishes a relationship while helping the family obtain mainstream benefits and access health care, medication, employment training and transportation assistance. Additionally the case manager works with local school districts to ensure children have access to education. As the family engages in this case management, a plan is developed for permanent housing.
“We know that the solution to ending homelessness is housing plus supportive services and employment. This program brings the supportive services to the families to empower them to reclaim their lives and build a future,” said Simler.
DuPage PADS, founded in 1985, is the only organization in DuPage County working exclusively to end homelessness. DuPage PADS couples interim/overnight and permanent supportive housing solutions with comprehensive support and employment services to assist people to work toward rebuilding their lives. The administration offices are located at 601 W. Liberty Drive, Wheaton, IL 60187. Additional information can be obtained by contacting DuPage PADS at 630-682-3846 or at www.dupagepads.org.