Step Up for Autism, a family-friendly walk with a choice of a 1-mile and 3-mile course, is slated for Sunday morning, June 24, with festivities starting at the Grand Pavilion along the Riverwalk. Designed to educate the community about autism, a complex developmental disability that affects an estimated 1.5 million Americans, the morning-long event welcomes all ages.
In recent years, the growing-in-popularity event has helped raise awareness of autism with identifiable teams walking in support of friends and family, all while raising funds to benefit children and adults with autism right served by Little Friends and the Little Friends Center for Autism.
Festivities scheduled include the 3-mile walk and fun run and a one-mile kid-friendly route. This year’s event again will also feature a fun-filled Kids Area, complete with interactive displays, moon jumps and entertainment.
Schedule of Events that follow registration at 8:30AM:
8:30AM – Kids Area Activities
9:45AM – Walk Kick-off
10AM – Fun Run Begins
10:05AM – Walk Begins
12PM – Walk Festivities End
FYI: Meanwhile, Early Check-In for walk participants is from 4-8PM, Thurs., June 21, in the gymnasium at Krejci Academy. Walk participants are encouraged to check-in, collect their t-shirts, and turn in all donations at this time.
For more information, contact Renee Miklosik, Manager, Special Events & Volunteers, at (630) 281.1882 or
Krejci Academy gym is located at 619 E. Franklin Ave. in Naperville historic district.
For more information, visit
Photos from PN 2011 files.
Click any photo to enlarge. Use the arrow to navigate from one photo to the next. Thanks for reading. Can you hear the youngsters in the orange t-shirts mooing?