Public right-of-way must be kept neat and clear to ensure safety
The City of Naperville would like to remind residents to trim and maintain privately owned shrubs and trees so that they do not interfere with sidewalks and other public rights-of-way.
Overgrown vegetation infringing on the public right-of-way can cause sight distance problems for motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians and compromise public safety for individuals using the sidewalks or crossing alleyways.
Residents can visit Section 4-3-2 of the City’s Municipal Code online at to read more about City maintenance requirements of trees, plants and weeds. Residents are responsible for trees and shrubs on privately owned property; however, maintenance of parkway trees is the responsibility of the Department of Public Works. If a parkway tree is in need of maintenance, residents can call (630) 420-6095 or they may submit a request for tree trimming through the Citizen Support Center on the City’s website at
Failure to keep privately owned vegetation from encroaching on the public right-of-way can result in warning notices from the City’s Code Enforcement Department and eventually fines if the problem persists.
For more information on the City of Naperville, visit