Operation Support Our Troops-America again is getting set for Rockin’ for the Troops starring Gary Sinise and the Lt. Dan Band on Sat., July 21, at Cantigny Park in Wheaton. The Voices and 7th Heaven will take the stage prior to the Lt. Dan Band. Special guests will include Big John Howell, Amy Jacobson and Isabella Nanni.
The all-afternoon-and-evening family-friendly music festival also includes activities for children, raffles, military displays and information booths, food concessions, a beer garden and surprises throughout the day.
Gates will open at 12PM with live entertainment on stage beginning at 2PM.
Tickets are $25 each and are available online as well at local Jewel stores. For additional information about Rockin’ for the Troops, volunteer opportunities and more, visit www.rockinforthetroops.
Tickets are now on sale.
Note: Photos on this page are from the Rockin’ for the Troops kick-off event held by founding sponsor Navistar Defense at the Navistar Headquarters in Lisle on May 3, 2012.
For other events planned this summer that will benefit the array of programs now provided by OSOT-America, visit www.osotamerica.org.
Communications from OSOT-America keep members posted
At least once a week, the dedicated folks at OSOT-America send e-mails to members that include notes of appreciation from service men and women, their families and other supporters. A few samples of those letters are featured below, all reminders that all donations are appreciated and that every $25 raised (the price of one ticket to Rockin’ for the Troops) helps pay to send one comfort care package to troops deployed overseas in harm’s way.
Letter #1 Gratitude from the Troops
Thank you very much for the box. I received the box in good condition with many great items inside. I was pretty surprised to see this great care package personally addressed to me. A lot of large care packages like these are sent over and the chaplain’s office does a great job of opening up a shop and soldiers come by to get stuff.
This care package is very appreciated by myself and my platoon. As I am writing this, guys are coming by and snagging stuff.
With the current political climate stateside, as well as the political stresses put on us here, it is very reassuring to know that the good people of the United States still support the soldiers. The majority of us in my profession signed up to defend our country, and go fight these terrorists/people who want to kill us.
A little about me: I am from a small north east Texas town. I joined the Army when I was 17. I am 27 now and this is my 3rd deployment.
Again, thank you very much for this care package. I wish I could personally write to everyone involved in making these awesome boxes. I am counting on you, the reader of this letter to let all these great people know of our thankfulness of their support. —Justin
Letter #2 This isn’t a traditional thank you from the troops, it’s from the family of a serviceman, received by an OSOT-America member:
I was going thru my e-mails and I saw that you mentioned to me a while ago about OSOT-America. Well, my cousin was deployed about a month ago and I added his name to the list at OSOT America and they immediately sent him a HUGE package, he was SO happy and grateful. I wanted to say thank you for mentioning that to us. It meant the world to our family.
Letter #3 This is what a dad said about a care package:
“Carolina (Chango’s wife) put Anthony’s name on a list with Operation Support Our Troops America in Naperville and they immediately sent him a huge box of goods. He received it over this past weekend and he was shocked and overcome with excitement. Anthony was on the phone with his mother as he was going through the box and she said he was whipping out stuff left and right to everyone around him. The place was going absolutely crazy! JoAnne immediately called me with tears of joy. It was just one of those hair-raising, tear-jerking moments I thought I share with you all.
These troops have been gone for about a month now and I think they are realizing how long and tough 9+ months away from family and friends is actually going to be. What makes even tougher is that our soldiers have to be completely focused on what they were trained to do there because they are on daily missions in hostile areas. So these packages from home mean the world to them!”
Letter #4 This example is a letter sent to OSOT-America for inclusion in a care package is posted here:
Dear Soldier,
Thank you for your service to our country. I greatly appreciate it. You have given so much of yourself to defend our country. I do not have the bravery that you possess, but I’m glad that you are so selfless and willing to fight for our country. I know it must have been hard to go off and fight leaving all of your loved ones. For this I applaud you and I hope that you receive any and all supplies you need to live healthily and as safely as possible while you are on your mission.
The turmoil we would face from other countries without you is unthinkable. Your service to our country is not only affecting us, but those in other countries as well. Your presence is both needed and wanted by many people. You have taken up a great responsibility in serving for your country and I assume you perform your duties splendidly. I wish I had your courage and I admire you for it. We need more people like you to take up a duty and perform it well. Thank you for your service and dedication. It is well appreciated and I hope for your safe return soon. Thank you. — Jacqueline
Want to send a letter or send a gift check? Send letters and/or gifts to Operation Support Our Troops-America, 1807 S. Washington St., Sutie 110, Naperville, IL 60565.
Note! Items for care packages are accepted during special collection events only at the Warehouse. For complete details and unmet needs, visit OSOT-America Items Needed.