1.7 F
Friday, February 14, 2025

Ed’s Many Hats — home is where the heart is


It’s always exciting to get back to Naperville after spending the winter in beautiful Sarasota, Florida. I’ve been back less than a month and it seems as though I never left.

For instance, the week I returned I attended the Education Foundation breakfast, made the Rotary Club of Naperville luncheon meeting, visited Frankie at Casey’s produce department, lunched with 16 VP’s from the We Bad Company at the Lantern and visited with Al DeGeeter at Dean’s Clothing to get the latest ‘hot’ gossip of Naperville.

Al actually disappointed me because the only gossip he had was that Chief Dave Dial was retiring and that he was going to be painted on the mural in Rubins Way. I already knew that Dave Dial was retiring…everyone in Sarasota knows.  I think Al has hit the gossip wall, so if you have any juicy name-dropping stuff, stop by and see him. Better yet, buy something from the new ‘In Your Face’ golf clothes, now carried at Dean’s.

Other things I’ve done include the purchase of a Naperville tee at Oswald’s, lunch at Quigley’s, We Bad Company coffees at Starbucks every Tuesday morning, bought a book at Anderson’s, signed up for the Ron Buonauro golf outing, and window shopped at Roseland Draperies.

One of my favorite things to do is helping the artists, Dodie Mondero, Marianne Lisson Kuhn and Adela Vystejnova paint “Naperville Loves a Parade.” Because I know the people at Sound Incorporated, they give me free passage to their warehouse. Recently I took Kathy’s Fair Oaks Ford F-150 over and stole a truck load of scaffold so Marianne could do the high work on the mural.  Before setting the scaffold up, though, Bo Bobosky, Dodie and I had chili at the Lantern and discussed the task before us.

Sound Incorporated’s warehouse has also contributed other help to Dodie, Marianne and Adela, including a boombox, heaters, CCTV system to watch over the wall, and last, but not least, lunches.

I love Naperville and all the things it offers anyone who wants to get involved. If you’re new in town and want to be part of our community, I have three recommendations to welcome you. (1) Visit Al DeGeeter at Dean’s, (2) Go to Casey’s any Friday or Saturday morning for FREE coffee, and (3) keep reading this paper.

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Ed Channell
Ed Channell
Ed Channell has served on many boards, foundations and fundraising campaigns during more than 50 years in Naperville—and he loves feedback. Give it to him at echannell1@gmail.com.