Partnership helps protect valuable ash trees from deadly emerald ash borer
The City of Naperville is proud to announce that 2012 marks the third year of participation in the Legacy Tree Project (LTP), a partnership with Valent Professional Products aimed at building community awareness about options for responding to emerald ash borer (EAB) and motivating residents to take action.
Initiated in 2010 and continuing through 2014, the 12 communities selected across the Midwest for participation in the LTP receive annual treatment with Safari® insecticide for approximately 200 ash trees on public property. The project, including materials and labor, is fully funded by Valent Professional Products. There is no cost to taxpayers. Naperville’s parkway ash trees enrolled in this program will soon receive their third annual treatment with the Safari® product.
“The City was very fortunate to be selected as a partner in the LTP,” City Forestry and Parkways Supervisor Jack Mitz said. “The trees treated as part of this program are showing positive signs of good health. I encourage homeowners with ash trees on their private property to consult an arborist promptly for an assessment of their tree health. If a tree is still healthy enough to warrant treatment and a resident wishes to save it from EAB, the treatment of choice should be initiated in the next several weeks.”
Since 2008 when the EAB was first discovered in Naperville, the Department of Public Works has focused on controlling the spread of the EAB through the implementation of a cost-effective strategy that includes treatment, removal of infested trees and a public education program. The City’s Forestry Division works with 10 certified arborists that are trained to look for signs of EAB presence. More information about the EAB, including symptoms of infestation and treatment options, is available at
“The emerald ash borer program is a great example of a program with strong community involvement,” Department of Public Works Director Dick Dublinski said. “The City of Naperville continues to implement an aggressive multi-year treatment plan for all healthy ash trees located in the City’s parkways. The involvement of the LTP and the support of the Naperville Area Homeowners Confederation have been an important part of our treatment and education program.”
In December 2011, the Naperville Area Homeowners Confederation sponsored a workshop relating to the EAB. Nationally recognized professionals from around the country participated in and attended this workshop. On May 11, the NAHC arranged a meeting that provided City leadership with the opportunity to discuss the science behind the LTP and to witness treatment efficacy first hand.
“No matter what you think you know about EAB, you simply can’t imagine the gut level impact of seeing untreated ash trees near death on a piece of commercial property and then turn around to see the deep green leaf color, foliage density and vigor of Legacy Tree Project trees across the street,” said Dr. Bob Buckman, President of the NAHC. “During the tour we were able to view trees both small and large that are enrolled in this program, and they all looked great.
If EAB were allowed to overrun the City, huge areas would look like a moonscape. Successful research-based programs like we’ve seen will make us proud of our City for saving so much of the urban forest for all to cherish. I strongly encourage residents to take action now,” Buckman said.
About the Legacy Tree Project
Safari® is applied by soil injection at the base of each tree. This work will be completed by certified professionals from the Naperville office of The Care of Trees. Safari® is a systemic insecticide taken up by the roots and distributed throughout the tree. Soil injection precludes contact with pets or people. For more information on the Legacy Tree Project, visit For more information on Valent and Safari®, visit
More information about EAB is available at