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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Raise Your Play I.Q. — experiential learning at summer camp


Many of us have fond memories of summer camp.  For some it was an overnight camp where we bunked in a cabin or tent, and for others, it might have been spending several weeks with an aunt or grandparents.  It also might have been a day camp setting where you were able to get away from the traditional classroom and learn by experiencing.

Experiential learning offers opportunities to create meaning from direct exposure and hands-on experiences.  Examples include learning about water flow by walking through a stream, learning to count by numbering your steps or understanding volcanic eruptions by mixing baking soda and vinegar.

Summer camp is a perfect opportunity for children to be actively involved in learning and focus on experiences of personal interest.  Rich opportunities for learning exist in the summer camp setting because most camps provide a platform where learning is informal, meaningful and hands-on.

DuPage Children’s Museum offers several camps throughout the summer for children ages 3 through 10.  DCM Preschool Summer Camps cover several topics of interest to children aged 3 to 5. Camps offered include Water and Bubbles; Color, Light and Shadows; Playing with Math and more.  The Museum hosts several different sessions of PlayWell TEKnologies Engineering with Lego Camps which welcome children ages 5 to 10.  Summer S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Camps engage learners ages 7 through 10 in programs that focus on robots, chemistry, aircraft and mathematical wonders.  You can learn more about DCM’s summer camp schedule at: http://www.dupagechildrensmuseum.org/programs_camps.html

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Mollie H.M. Willis
Mollie H.M. Willishttp://www.dupagechildrensmuseum.org
Raise Your Play IQ™ is written by Mollie H.M. Willis, M.S. Curriculum & Instruction, an early learning consultant to Dupage Children's Museum. Ms. Willis has more than ten years of experience in early learning including preschool administration and teaching. She can be reached through the museum at admin@dupagechildrensmuseum.org.