A rare, unique opportunity recently transpired in our great City. Several scientists visited from industry, academics, and the public sector to observe the effect of treating ash trees with a specific insecticide. The Legacy Tree Project (LTP), an initiative to determine if the Emerald Ash Borer could be stopped and trees saved from destruction, is sponsored and supported by Valent Professional Products, manufacturer of the insecticide Safari.
With the research team’s arrival, the third year of treating trees with Safari began. During these years, 200 ash trees were exclusively treated by soil injection at each tree’s trunk base under supervision of The Care Of Trees’ (Naperville) trained arborists. The Safari product, whose active chemical is also used in flea control products for pets, is taken up by the roots and distributed throughout the tree. This safe application method precludes contact with pets or people.
Not only were scientists at that site visit, but also Councilmen, the City Forester, Director of Public Works, his administrative staff, and senior arborists from The Care of Trees. The visit was hosted by the Confederation and I moderated the stimulating discussion covering all facets of this research partnership with our City.
After the discussions, we drove to the living research site to observe treated ash trees. Talking about results, or reading about them, is one thing, but actually driving into a neighborhood and seeing these trees is awesome. The trees were growing really well with vibrant green leaves.
Treatment, in turn, helps preserve property values! The data strongly indicates that after Safari treatment, this single insecticide is effective in all size ash trees.
Thank you, Valent, for choosing to partner with Naperville to save our urban ash forest for years to come. It was exciting observing conservation and all of its intrinsic value.
Just awesome beating the EAB beetle!