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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Greetings to PN in June 2012


Thank you so much for listing our flower show in the June Calendar on page 8 and again on the “Fun and Fundraising Guide” on page 22. The Naperville Garden Club appreciates your support! Often we are told that people found out about our club and activities through “Positively Naperville.” Thank you! —Marilyn Krueger, Naperville Garden Club, President and Scholarship Chairperson

Thanks, again, for all of your help with the (Memorial Day) parade. I am so grateful for all that you do for that great event and our community! I am writing to let you know about some neat things going on this summer with the District 204 Summer Music program. We are continuing to offer a full compliment of jazz, concert band, orchestra, vocal and music technology experiences for students grades 6-12. New for this year, however, is the District 204 Alumni Concert Band. The idea was born out of our mission to create lifelong musicians who have chosen a host of professions, but still find music to be an essential part of life. The band will contain District 204 alumni, faculty and parents and will be presenting two concerts this summer.

We believe that the fine arts are not activities, but are essential for the academic, creative, critical thinking and social/emotional development of all people. To that end, we are thrilled to offer these concerts to our community as a celebration of music being essential and for life.

Both concerts will be about an hour in length and will contain classic marches, overtures and show tunes.

We would be so grateful for any coverage of these events if Positively Naperville is able. Thank you, so much, for your consideration. I hope your summer is off to a fantastic start! —Emily Binder, Gregory Bands

Editor’s Note: The District 204 Alumni Concert Band will perform at 7PM Tues., June 26; and 7PM Tues., July 10, in the Neuqua Valley High School Auditorium on 95th Street.

From Facebook Post about Naper Nights: We were married at Naper Settlement 31 years ago. —Robin Kruk

Thanks so much. Am forwarding the pics to Chuck Spinner’s older brother who has been my friend and classmate since kindergarten. Thanks again. —Jim Althoetmar

From Facebook Post about Snakes, June 16 / A few years back in Hinsdale there were 2 rattle snakes on a home owners driveway!!  —Joan Bulley

From Facebook Post about Snakes, June 15 / Several years ago Allen Poole showed me a hi rez photo he took of a snake that looked exactly like a water moccasin. He took the photo under the bridge at Gartner Rd. I showed it to a U of I Biology professor and he said that looks exactly like a water moccasin but it can’t be because we don’t have them this far north. It was exact. One key item was the nostrils which are those of a pit viper. They were exact. If it wasn’t a water moccasin tell me what it was. He couldn’t. He just kept saying that can’t be a water moccasin.  —Daniel Bulley

Being Positive is a plus for Naperville parents. Learning to say “Yes” and “No” for a young family is important to the kids. We have been in Naperville since 1996. Since the flood, I’ve noticed neighborhoods have changed. How to organize a community that is House divided? We haven’t had Homeowner Association for years and wish the Old Farm were visited by your paper.

We moved here after HK was turned over to China. Having been raised and born in the Philippines for the religious freedom, now we can’t even share our Faith walk in my neighborhood. District 203 & District 204 have Moms In Touch International group praying for the Public School system. We are involved with our community events. Thank God we have a God-fearing Mayor.  —Esther Martin

Thank you very much for including the Naperville Garden Club’s “Connection. A Standard Flower Show” in both the online and print June issue. We appeciate your support for our club and event. Thank you again for promoting our event and its success. I hope you can stop by if you have a chance. Thank you.   —Marge Nichols, Naperville Garden Club


Gary Sinise Tweeting about Rockin For the Troops and Positively Naperville.

I enjoy reading the column, Teen’s View of Opera, and recently saw where the columnist (Emily Riederer) recently graduated from NNHS.  It may be difficult for her to continue her column but this reader hopes that she can work it in as the column is always very informative.

—Jim Kreamer



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PN Ombudsman
PN Ombudsman
An ombudsman is Scandinavian in origin dating back to Viking times; and refers to a community representative; usually acting independently on behalf of an organization, body of elected officials, or civic group. Thanks Scandinavia for inventing ombudsman.