Three-day community rummage sale will raise funds for student activities.
Naperville Central High School will host “The Great Redhawk Resale,” a three-day community rummage sale slated for May 31-June 2 to raise funds to support Student Activities.
Organized by NCHS Band Boosters Association to benefit programs for Band, Spirits Color Guard, POMs, Speech as well as other groups, for the past couple of weekends, volunteer students and parents have been stationed at the big Redhawk semi-trailer to accept donations.
Saturday afternoon, May 26, Paul Sweeney, VP of the NCHS Band Boosters, Lisa Heigl and Dieter Heigl, parents of Alex Heigl, NCHS junior drum major with the band; and Corine Conway, a freshman on the NCHS Spirits were in the parking lot packing up just as PN arrived to take a few photos.
The resale event will be held at the Naperville Central High School Cafeteria from 9AM-9PM Thurs., May 31 and Fri., June 1; and from 9AM-3PM on Sat., June 2. The high school is located at 440 W. Aurora Ave.
For a related story, visit The Great Redhawk Resale.
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