Tom Wehrli, pictured in the green shirt, is hounding friends, family and future champions again to compete in the Canine Dog Disc Championship hosted by the Windy City K9 Disc Club. The 2012 Championship is slated to begin at 9:30AM Sun., May 27.
The popular event featuring men and women throwing frisbees for their best friends to catch in high flying colors will be held at the Riverwalk Grand Pavilion, 912 Sindt Court, just off West Jackson Ave. According to organizer Wehrli, more than 30 competitors are expected at Sunday’s meet.
The cost to enter is $7: Novice division, Registration Code 92406, $10: Intermediate division, Registration Code 92407, $12: Open division, Registration Code 92408.
Bring your dog and compete in this unique event sponsored by the Windy City K-9 Disc Club.
No experience is required. All dogs must be on leashes and immunizations must be current. Female dogs in season are not eligible to participate and must be left at home.
Check-in begins at 8:30AM For more information, call Tom Wehrli at (630) 357-9663. Spectators are welcome! No charge to watch.
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PN file photos are from 2010.