33.9 F
Thursday, February 6, 2025

August 2012



CASEY’S FOODS FIRES UP THE GRILL IN FRONT OF THE STORE ON WEEKENDS! / 11AM-2PM, Saturdays & Sundays / Menu includes hot dogs, grillmaster burgers, brats, and tacos priced from $3 to $5. Add fifty cents and make it a meal deal with chips & soda! / Come shop, eat and mingle with your neighbors and friends! Casey’s is located near Oswald’s Pharmacy in Naperville Plaza, Gartner at Washington streets.

PLANNING A HIGH SCHOOL OR FAMILY REUNION? If you have a family gathering, put out some blank cards and encourage your guests to write a note to the troops. www.osotamerica.org

BE SURE TO PICK UP YOUR COPY of our monthly publication, chockfull of events, photos and happenings in Naperville. Visit our “Services” to find out what’s happening with all the service organizations with volunteers who are working around the clock to meet unmet needs and to sustain the remarkable quality of life in Naperville.

THOMAS JEFFERSON once said that if he had to “choose between government without newspapers, and newspapers without government,” he’d choose newspapers. Thanks for choosing Positively Naperville!

READ POSITIVELY NAPERVILLE AT PN MONTHLY DOT COM PDF pages of Naperville’s popular community news source can be viewed online at www.pnmonthly.com

HAVE YOU VISITED NAPERVILLE’S FIRST PET STORE? DOG PATCH PET AND FEED Since 1973, Dog Patch has been serving the greater Chicago area from its home at 1108 E. Ogden. Specializing in all things pet and feed, discover Naperville’s independently-owned pet center, a fun place for people and animals! Phone: (630) 420-2120.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TOM FALCONE! Cheers! Salute! Cin cin!



DINE ON THE PATIO OF CATCH 35 WHILE LISTENING TO THE BAND CONCERT! In Naperville, Catch 35 is located at the corner of Washington at VanBuren, across from Central Park. www.catch35.com.




GERMAN CHURCH SERVICES / 11:30 AM, Sun, August 5 / St. John UCC, 1190 Olesen Dr./ INFO: (630) 961-9942 or naperstjohnucc@sbcglobal.net / Services are held on the first Sunday of the month and will continue on Sept. 2 and Oct. 7. / For even more information, call (630) 355-5208.


NAPERVILLE COMMUNITY GARDENERS MONTHLY MEETING / 7PM, Mon., Aug. 6 / Knox Presbyterian Church on Gartner Rd. / INFO: www.napervillecommunitygardeners.org.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CATHY SUBBER! Stretch it out until tomorrow!


NATIONAL NIGHT OUT IN NAPERVILLE / 6-9PM, Tues., Aug. 7 / Neighborhoods throughout Naperville are invited to join communities nationwide to generate support and participation in local anti-crime efforts, strengthen neighborhood spirit and improve the relationship between the community police department and residents. To celebrate National Night Out, all residents are encouraged to lock their doors, turn on their outside lights and spend the evening outdoors with their neighbors. Members of the Naperville Fire, Public Works and Utility Departments will visit registered events. Neighborhoods are asked to register their National Night Out event with the city by Monday, July 25. INFO: www.nationalnightout.org/nno/ or www.naperville.il.us/nno.aspx.

WSI QUIZ NIGHT AT QUIGLEY’S IRISH PUB / 7PM, Tues., Aug. 7 / Quiz play FREE / Arrive early if your group wants a table together.

BREAKFAST IS SERVED IN DOWNTOWN NAPERVILLE EVERY WEEKEND! Check out the menus at Hugo’s Frog Bar, Heaven on Seven, Sullivan’s Steak House, Flat Top Grill, Jimmy’s Grill, Egg Harbor, and the new Tangerine Café! Stroll the Riverwalk, come for breakfast, and stay for some great shopping – a great way to spend the day with the family and friends! For more information visit www.downtownnaperville.com.

DO YOU KNOW ABOUT SUGARTOAD AT THE HOTEL ARISTA? SugarToad recently received an Award of Excellence from the Wine Spectator! Ask about pairing some great American wines with one of their 3-course Harvest Dinners. www.sugartoad.com (Other local media is praising the unique dining experience you find at SugarToad, too! It’s just not PN! And it’s not just because PN took a series of the restaurant’s educational monthly cooking courses, knows the sommelier and is happy to promote all the fresh foodstuff from farm to table that help sustain good health!) RSVP: (630) 778-8623 or visit www.sugartoad.com

ROSELAND HOME DECOR Create Better Windows Daily! Call (630) 355-1565.

DUPAGE COUNTY offers 60 forest preserves and six educational facilities. Find information at 933-7200 and www.dupageforest.com.

WE GROW DREAMS GARDEN MARKET AT FREEDOM COMMONS / 9AM-1PM / Every Saturday through October 30 / Freedom Commons on Freedom Drive between I-88 / Naperville Exit and Diehl Road, Sponsored by Freedom Commons to benefit We Grow Dreams. INFO: www.freedomcommons.com.

HOW CURRENT IS YOUR WILL? Contact respected Naperville attorney, DICK KUHN at 420-8228.

NEED A CAR? See FAIR OAKS FORD out in the community—and at 1351 E. Ogden.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LYNETTE KLINGBEIL! Celebrate at Centennial Beach after Florida!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MIKE REILLY! Park yourself at Centennial Beach!

HISTORIC NOTE ABOUT THE CHICAGO WHITE SOX / If you were a White Sox fan on Aug. 8, 1976, you might remember when they played the Kansas City Royals & suited up in shorts! All these years later, that one-game event has not been repeated. Today, the White Sox are in the middle of a 4-game series with the Baltimore Orioles, fully uniformed.

NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE opens minds and doors. Call (630) 637-5100.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DON CARLSON! Does this birthday compute?

PRIME OFFICE SPACE! Looking for great retail space in Naperville or in Main Street Promenade or the new Main Street Promenade East? Call Ruth and Dwight Yackley at BBM Incorporated, (630) 305-7171

LOOKING FOR LOCAL HISTORY? www.napersettlement.museum.

LOOKING FOR A DENTIST! Laser dentistry by JOE HASELHORST, DDSA is painless!


READ! ANDERSON’S BOOKSHOPS, independently owned and operated, is proud of the innovative events it offers to bring writers and readers together. Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise indicated. Visit our Web site to keep apprised of all the activities. Find Anderson’s Bookshops in Naperville at 123 West Jefferson and in Downers Grove at 5112 Main St.

MUNICIPAL BAND CONCERT IN CENTRAL PARK – THIS IS IT FOR SUMMER 2012! / 7:30PM, Thurs., Aug. 9 / Thanks for another great summer concert series!


HARVEST DINNER AT SUGARTOAD AT THE HOTEL ARISTA / 5:30-9PM, Mon. thru Sat. during harvest season /  RSVP: (630) 778-8623 or visit www.sugartoad.com

DANCE LIKE NOBODY’S LOOKING! Enhance young dancers’ growth in discipline, poise, skill and creativity- call DANCE WEST BALLETat (630) 778-8400.


2-DAY VEGGIEFEST CHICAGO 2012 / 11AM.-8PM, Sat., Aug. 11 & Sun., Aug. 12 / Held at the Science of Spirituality Mediation Center, 4S175 Naperville-Wheaton Road. Includes cooking demonstrations with free samples; 40 food vendors, restaurants and exhibitors; health talks by medical professionals; children’s programs; vegetarian, vegan, organic and raw food demonstrations; live music and more. FREE Admission. INFO: (630) 955-1200, e-mail veggiefest@sos.org or visit www.veggiefestchicago.org.


NAPERVILLE SPRINT TRIATHLON / 7AM, Sun., Aug. 12 / Multi-sport event featuring swim, bike and run with an emphasis on fun and fitness begins at Centennial Beach, 500 W. Jackson Ave. Check-in takes place from 5 to 6:45AM. Must be pre-registered. INFO: call (866) 454-6561 or visit www.napervilletri.com. Expect some road closures Sunday until noon. Plan ahead for delays.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUG. 13 TO REED HASTINGS! Seems like you’re always on a mission. Good for you!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NORM ZIENTY! Get into gear to celebrate the new lineup of cars!


NAPERVILLE TENNIS is where you’ll find all the latest in tennis attire and equipment.

STAND UP NOW AND STRETCH! Reach to the ceiling. Stretching increases your flexibility, improves the range of motion in your joints and promotes better posture and circulation. Rotate your hands at the wrist. Wiggle your fingers. Stretch and relieve stress!

NAPERVILLE JUNIOR WOMAN’S CLUB NEW MEMBER INFORMATIONAL MEETING / 7:30PM, Tues., Aug. 14, Safety Town / INFO: Heidi Larson at membership@napervillejuniors.org. Or www.napervillejuniors.org

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PN Editor
PN Editor
An editor is someone who prepares content for publishing. It entered English, the American Language, via French. Its modern sense for newspapers has been around since about 1800.