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Thursday, February 6, 2025

Downtown Paw-Paw Parking Lot repaving to begin in early May


Expect temporary parking closures and congestion near this area

Maintenance in the downtown Paw-Paw parking lot is continuing as part of the Municipal Parking Lot Maintenance Program with construction crews preparing to repave the north half of the lot beginning in early May. This work will result in the temporary closure of the north half of the lot.

Crews are expected to repave the north half of the lot on Wednesday, May 9, and Thursday, May 10. While the work is performed in the north half of the lot, the Van Buren Avenue driveway will be closed to traffic. The driveways on Webster Street and Jefferson Avenue will remain open and the south half of the lot will be able to accommodate parking.  Parking in the north half of the lot will be closed from 5 a.m. Wednesday, May 9, until 9 p.m. Thursday, May 10.  Any vehicles parking in the northern half of the parking lot will be towed.

Paw-Paw maintenance includes the construction of a new north-south pedestrian walkway connecting Van Buren and Jefferson avenues, lot resurfacing and striping. Temporary parking space closures will be indicated with barricades; any vehicles that park in the closed sections can and will be towed by the City of Naperville. Flyers will be left on cars that are parked in the lot before 6 a.m. to notify motorists of the construction activity.

The area around the Paw-Paw lot may be congested due to driveways being closed during construction.  Additionally, the contractor may require temporary lane closures on the adjacent streets to accommodate construction vehicles and equipment. Contractors will provide appropriate traffic control if necessary.  The City recommends that visitors and employees seek other locations for parking within the downtown. A map of the downtown parking facilities is at located at www.naperville.il.us/downtownparking.aspx.

In addition to the work at the Paw-Paw parking lot, patching will also be performed at the nearby River View and Riverwalk parking lots and at the at-grade parking lot adjacent to the Central Parking Facility on Jefferson Avenue. Work is expected to take place the weeks of May 7 and May 14 and will also result in temporary closures of sections of each lot. The work in these three lots will occur before 11 a.m.

All construction is weather dependent; notice of schedule changes as well as more information about the project will be posted to the City’s website at www.naperville.il.us/downtownparking.aspx, in the local media when possible and in the parking lots prior to and during construction.

Construction is expected to be completed by the end of May 2012 pending weather and unforeseen complications.

The Municipal Parking Lot Improvement Project includes maintenance work at 20 City-owned parking lots that range from minor work such as sidewalk replacement, curb and gutter replacement and patching to major repair work such as resurfacing and seal coating. The parking lots are located throughout Naperville and include seven fire stations, four downtown lots, six commuter lots, the Naperville Police Department, Electric Service Center and Springbrook Water Reclamation Center.

Construction on all lots is slated for completion by October 2012.

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City of Naperville
City of Napervillehttp://www.naperville.il.us.
About Naperville: Located 28 miles west of Chicago, Naperville, Ill., is home to approximately 145,000 people. This vibrant, thriving City consistently ranks as a top community in the nation in which to live, raise children and retire. The City is home to acclaimed public and parochial schools, the best public library system in the country, an array of healthcare options and an exceptionally low crime rate. Naperville has ready access to a variety of public transportation, housing and employment options. The City’s diversified employer base features high technology firms, retailers and factories, as well as small and home-based businesses. Residents also enjoy world-class parks, diverse worship options, the opportunity to serve on several City boards and commissions, a thriving downtown shopping and dining area, a renowned outdoor history museum known as Naper Settlement and an active civic community. For more information, please visit our website at www.naperville.il.us.