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West Suburban Irish Quiz Night Championship is June 5


WSI Quiz Night is all about bragging rights… Yes! The bragging rights!

On the first Tuesday of the month, October through June, teams from two to eight players, all members of the 21-plus crowd, surround tables at Quigley’s Irish Pub for the trivia competition known as West Suburban Irish Quiz Night. By the end of the evening, more than 40 edible and/or silly prizes likely are claimed by enthusiastic witty and wise winners who make the most of every score card.

“Do I get an extra point for being honest?” asked one player in May after he discovered and reported his actual score was 8.5 instead of 9.5 as was recorded by one of the judges.

Observers would be surprised at some of the good-natured ribbing that comes from adult players who want to receive perfect scores in an evening when four rounds of 10 trivia questions each make a Quiz Night.  Players also vie for the monthly Team Spirit Award and the Best Team Name Award.  In fact, teams are permitted to change their name every month in order to compete in that category again and again.

In May, 7-year WSI member Kent Schielke, a science teacher at Ss. Peter and Paul, wrote several rounds of questions for the four-round contest.

WSI member Mike Reilly served as the emcee, with occasional wisecracks (some off mike) as he read ten questions for each round.  Jack Manning and Nancy Quigley served as scorekeepers.

By the end of play, the team called “Cartegena Party Girls Ask Us about Our Secret Service” had the same score as EDAQ for getting the most questions correct. The Spirit Awards went to Sara and Erin of Cinco de Derby and May Day May Day.

At every WSI Quiz night dozens of prizes, wrapped and decorated with curly ribbon, are lined up in the corner by the score-keeping statisticians.  “The prizes are put together by Mary Corrigan,” said Manning, paying attention to the wide variety of contents.

The prize for the best name was given to the team titled “The Bloom Is Off de Rose,” referencing the mishap by the Chicago Bulls player that resulted in a 109-92 loss to the Philadelphia 76ers that evening.

Quiz play is free. Competition is stiff and challenging. No electronic devices are allowed. You can’t call home for help.

At 7PM Tues., June 5, teams will compete in the Seasonal Championship Quiz, finishing the year of competitive trivia games. Put a team together. Save the date!

Watching the competitive nature, all in fun, might give a newcomer the impression the prizes were of high value. They’re not. Players say the prizes do come with big bragging rights, however. And in June, the prizes come with championship trophies, said Chuck Corrigan, President of the West Suburban Irish, who writes many of the questions.

Remember! The WSI Quiz Night is the same time next month.  It’s 7PM on the first Tuesday or June 5.  It may be the championship game, but first-time players with no experience are welcome to the competition with just as much chance to win as longtime players. Come for the fun and you’ll likely go home with a prize.

For more info, visit www.wsirish.org.

P.S. Click on any photo to enlarge it.  Then use the arrows to navigate the photo gallery.

From Positively Naperville Facebook: 

  • Fred McEwen I’m posting this at 1:30 am because winning all that chocolate and then mixing it with Guiness just doesn’t work well for a good night’s sleep!


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