The April Naperville Area Homeowners Confederation meeting stirred up a lot of good memories. These stirrings resulted from Naperville Councilmen comments about the valuable and integral part the NAHC plays in our neighbors’ day-to-day lives. Three areas, firsts for the Confederation, immediately came to mind: Smart Grid, Drug Awareness and Emerald Ash Borer.
The Confederation was the first organization to invite the Electric Department to fully explain and answer questions about Smart Grid. The program, presented to our members back in 2010, laid out the plans for this valuable project.
Our October General Meeting was the first public drug awareness discussion. The key was not just creating awareness of heroin in our city, or that vast resources are available to assist addicted individuals—but— more importantly, the community learned that greater than 87 percent of our youth elect NOT to get involved with substance abuse. Unfortunately, youth making good, healthy choices are rarely featured in the news. From this first, critical meeting, drug awareness programs have been replicated across the community.
The Confederation also took the lead educating about the Emerald Ash Borer. We followed a well-attended evening session for neighbors with an invitation only EAB Workshop for key local officials who came to our City to learn from a blue ribbon panel of experts. We refuted the conventional wisdom to cut trees down with a message of conservation, slowing impending rapid death of untreated ash trees, and scientifically proven insecticide treatments. This widely acclaimed workshop has since been presented in seven states.
We believe we do make a difference in our neighbors’ lives and are grateful for your support. Please attend the May 19 NAHC Annual meeting to learn more about our commitment, neighbor-to-neighbor. See you at 8AM for coffee and goodies. The meeting starts promptly at 8:30AM in Municipal Center rooms B and C.