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Friday, February 14, 2025

Things To Do This Weekend Around Naperville


Saturday, April 21

BREAKFAST IS SERVED IN DOWNTOWN NAPERVILLE EVERY WEEKEND! Check out the menus  at Quigley’s Irish Pub, Hugo’s Frog Bar, Heaven on Seven, Sullivan’s Steak House, Flat Top Grill, Jimmy’s Grill and Egg Harbor.! Stroll the Riverwalk, come for breakfast or brunch, and stay for some great shopping or venture over to Naper Settlement – a great way to spend the day with the family and friends! For more information visit www.downtownnaperville.com.

CASEY’S FOODS FIRES UP THE GRILL IN FRONT OF THE STORE! 11AM-2PM, Saturdays & Sundays / Menu includes hot dogs, grillmaster burgers and brats, priced from $3 to $5. Add fifty cents and make it a meal deal with chips & soda! Come shop, eat and mingle with your neighbors and friends! Casey’s is located near Oswald’s Pharmacy in Naperville Plaza, Gartner at Washington streets.

2012 KIDS SPRING FLING AT PLAYERS INDOOR SPORTS CENTER / 10AM-7PM Sat., April 21 /  1740 West Quincy Ave., Naperville, (630) 470-6400 / FREE fun, face-painting fun, and more free fun is planned on three indoor sports fields with ‘state of the art’ turf., two volleyball courts, a basketball court, sports-specific training areas.  It’s all here, inside Naperville’s only state-of-the-art climate- controlled sports, entertainment and event facility.  Loaves & Fishes volunteers provide info from 10AM to 4PM & accept food drive donations. Players is located at 1740 Quincy Ave. in Naperville. For the latest updates about all the happenings planned at Kids Spring Fling,  call (630) 470-6400 or visit Players Indoor Sports Center.

VOLUNTEER FOR ANNUAL ‘RIVERWALK SPRING SPRUCE UP’ / 9AM-Noon, Sat., April 21 / Scout groups with leaders, church groups with leaders, families and adult individuals are welcome to help the Naperville Park District as well as members of the Riverwalk Commission and Riverwalk Foundation prepare the Riverwalk for the spring and summer seasons. Bring work gloves! Just show up at the Dandelion Fountain at Webster St. and Jackson Ave. (Teens can earn volunteer hours.)

NAPERVILLE AREA HOMEOWNERS CONFEDERATION MEETING / 8AM-10AM, Sat., April 21 / Held in the Naperville Municipal Center /  Coffee and networking, sponsored by RE/MAX of Naperville, begins at 8 AM with the formal meeting kicking off at 8:30.  Note that since spring is garage sale season, REMAX also will be bringing garage sale signs to supply each subdivision with as many as they need. / Every year at April’s meeting, members of the Naperville City Council take center stage and share their thoughts and insights with our membership. In addition, NPD Chief Dial will be recognized for his service to our City and neighborhoods. ALERT! These meetings are held on the third Saturday every month except July & August. The public is always welcome.

CUISINE FOR A CAUSE / 7-10:30PM, Sat., April 21 / Held at Tellabs Global Headquarters / Sponsored by My Chef Catering, Invesco and Coldwell Banker Residential Brokers Charitable Foundation, the popular taste sensation features sample of signature dishes from 25 local restaurants, all to benefit Naperville CARESTicket INFO & RSVP: (630) 369-0200 or cuisine@napervillecares.org / www.napervillecares.org.

DUPAGE HUMAN RACE 5K AT DANADA FOREST PRESERVE-WHEATON / 9AM, Sat., April 21 / The DuPage Human Race is a 5k run / 2k walk to raise money for a variety of nonprofit organizations and initiatives for their unmet needs.  One project for the Naperville Woman’s Club is to restore the stained glass window for the Landmark Old Stone Church. Register at http://www.dupagehumanrace.org/resources.html / Walkers/runners gather donations to support charity. Registration is $25 from 2-1-12 to 4-15-2-12 ($30 after) + $3.75 handling fee / Offline Registration to 4-15-2012 $30 ($35 after) Race Day Registration $35 / All ages welcome. Pets are welcome on the walk. / All donations welcome!  Track our fundraising progress at: http://www.active.com/donate/dupagehumanrace/nwc.

AMERICAN LEGION HONORS PAST COMMANDERS & CITIZEN OF THE YEAR / 6PM, Sat., April 21 / Judd Kendall VFW Post 3873. / Dinner at 7PM.

Sunday, April 22

Happy Earth Day

NAPERVILLE MUNICIPAL BAND SPRING CONCERT / 3PM, Sun., April 22 / Wentz Concert Hall / FREE / The Naperville Municipal Band is composing a musical salute to “Women in Uniform.”  The concert is sponsored by American Legion Post 43 and Judd Kendall VFW Post 3873. A special invitation is extended to all Girl Scouts and Girl Scout leaders, past and present, as 2012 is the 100thanniversary of the Girl Scouts of America; to women police officers and women firefighters; and to women veterans from all branches of service to enjoy this musical tribute. Admission is FREE, but a ticket will be required. For tickets, call the Naperville Municipal Band office at (630) 778-9994 or e-mail info@napervilleband.org.

BUNCO4BOOBS! WILL MEET TASTES OF CHOCOLATE & THE TEAM OF “THESE LITTLE PIGGIES”! / 1 – 4PM or 4 – 7PM, Sun., April 22 / LeChocolat du Bouchard will host Bunco4Boobs at 129 S. Washington St. in downtown Naperville / Limited Space (2 Pods of 12/24 Players per time slot) for seasoned or beginner Bunco players and or entire Bunco groups! / 3 Games of Bunco, Girlfriend Time, a dose of chocolate and lots of prizes, all to help in finding a cure as part of the AVON Foundation Breast Cancer Crusade /  Cost: $25 Donation to “These Little Piggies” Team Fundraising Campaign AVON Walk for Breast Cancer / To purchase tickets contact Kelly Johnson at (630) 961-8048 or blingitonbaby@yahoo.com / Roll the dice!  Beat the odds!

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PN Ombudsman
PN Ombudsman
An ombudsman is Scandinavian in origin dating back to Viking times; and refers to a community representative; usually acting independently on behalf of an organization, body of elected officials, or civic group. Thanks Scandinavia for inventing ombudsman.