28.6 F
Saturday, February 8, 2025

13th Annual 360 Youth Services Spring Ahead 5k & 10k Run


7AM, Sun., April 15 / Presented by Calamos Investments / In memory of Scott Swing / Dolly McCarthy will serve as emcee. Race features events in categories of 10K, 5K, Wheelchair and Kids / Alert! Special guests  will lead off the 1-mile Kids Fun Run at 8AM. The 10K Trail Run begins at 8:15AM; 5K Wheelchair, 8:25AM; and the 5K Street Run, 8:30AM / Price Before/After April 10: Kids Fun Run – $12/$15; 10k – $30/$35; 5K Wheelchair: – $25/$30; and 5K Run – $25/$30. / The event is held at CityGate Centre, Route 59 and Diehl Road. EARLY REGISTRATION & INFO: www.ncoyouth.org.

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PN Ombudsman
PN Ombudsman
An ombudsman is Scandinavian in origin dating back to Viking times; and refers to a community representative; usually acting independently on behalf of an organization, body of elected officials, or civic group. Thanks Scandinavia for inventing ombudsman.