Naperville began improvements to Municipal Parking Lots on April 9 that likely will be scheduled through October 2012
The City of Naperville soon will begin maintenance on 20 city-owned parking lots as part of the Municipal Parking Lot Improvement Project, an initiative that includes several commuter and downtown parking lots throughout the summer. Construction is scheduled to begin Mon., April 9, with work being completed by October 2012.
The Municipal Parking Lot Improvement Project includes maintenance that can range from minor work such as sidewalk replacement, curb and gutter replacement and patching to major repair work such as resurfacing and seal coating. The parking lots are located throughout Naperville where bike racks also are present. (Snow is unlikely for the duration of the project!)
Downtown areas located at Paw-Paw, River View, Riverwalk and Central Parking lots will be improved. Commuter lots that will receive maintenance include Burlington Upper and Lower, Kroehler, Fourth Avenue, Park View and Route 59.
The project also will include seven fire stations, the Naperville Police Department, Electric Service Center and Springbrook Water Reclamation Center.
All lots are expected to remain open while work is being performed although some temporary section closures will likely be necessary. Traffic is not expected to be largely affected; however, it is possible some temporary lane closures will occur on streets adjacent to the parking lots to accommodate construction vehicles and equipment. Contractors will provide appropriate traffic control if necessary.
All that said, consider riding your bicycle whenever possible. The city maintains bike lanes as well as many bike racks throughout the city—even four whimsical bike racks sponsored and funded by the Rotary Club of Naperville/Downtown.
Find the four bike racks pictured here located in sunshine, rain, sleet or snow at the Paw Paw Lot, Webster near Van Buren; along Jackson Ave. by the Main Street Riverwalk Parking Lot; in front of Ted’s Montana Grill on Jefferson Ave., and at the entrance to the Central Parking Deck on Jefferson Ave., across from Quigley’s Irish Pub.
And, except for commuter parking, it’s all free parking, thanks to the downtown merchants.
April 9, Updated Paw Paw Parking Lot INFO…
The downtown Paw-Paw Parking Lot will close partially to traffic for maintenance work this spring. This lot is part of the City of Naperville’s 2012 Municipal Parking Lot Maintenance Program that includes maintenance of 20 parking lots this year.
Construction in the Paw-Paw lot is expected to begin Monday, April 16, and be completed by the end of May 2012 pending weather and unforeseen complications. Maintenance will include construction of a new north-south pedestrian walkway connecting Van Buren and Jefferson avenues, lot resurfacing and striping.
The work will be staged so that a portion of the parking spaces can remain open for use and deliveries can access the adjacent businesses during the project. When the contractor is working on the north side of the lot, the Van Buren driveway will be closed to traffic and when the contractor is working on the south side of the lot, the Webster and Jefferson driveways will be closed to traffic.
The area around the Paw-Paw lot may be congested due to driveways being closed during construction. Additionally, the contractor may require temporary lane closures on the adjacent streets to accommodate construction vehicles and equipment. Contractors will provide appropriate traffic control if necessary. The City recommends that visitors and employees seek other locations for parking within the downtown since there will be limited parking in the Paw-Paw lot due to construction. A map of the downtown parking facilities is at located at